Friday, October 28, 2011

Susan Bordo Blog

Work Cited

Pope Jr., Harrison G., Roberto Olivardia, John J. Borowiecki III, and Geoffrey H.

Cohane. "The Growing Commercial Value of the Male Body: A Longitudinal

Survey of Advertising in Women’s Magazines." Psychother Psychosom 70.4

(2001). Kargar. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.

This article could be used by Bordo in her essay “Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body” to support her idea of females being the “triumph of pure consumerism” (Bartholomae and Petrosky 197). The article, “The Growing Commercial Value of the Male Body: A Longitudinal Survey of Advertising in Women’s Magazines,” describes how advances in feminism has caused the male body to be the last part of masculinity still standing in society. In examining two women’s magazines, the article presents a survey on how pictures of undressed men in advertisements have increased dramatically from 1958 to 1998. Although the male body still stands as a mark of masculinity on society, I would use this article to support Bordo’s argument for how women have become the triumph of pure consumerism in the advertisement world and describe how “male ‘femininity’” has increased due to the “erotic display” of the male body in the media (197). By citing the article I would be able to show that the feminist appeals for sexual equality within the world for advertising are finally being answered and that a newfound appreciation has come about in the viewing of well-formed men on billboards and magazine ads. 

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